40 Days!

So today begins the Lenten season. The countdown of 40 days until Easter on the Christian liturgical calendar. Those who observe this season are choosing to go without something or sacrifice or fast. It is never very hard to figure out what you should sacrifice in order to reflect on the work God did at Easter but it is very hard to actually do it and not choose something else that would be easier. For instance, I drink entirely too much carbonated beverages each day. Not because I am thirsty, sometimes, but because I use it as something to occupy me while doing other things. I could choose to give it up for Lent, or I could choose something like fish. I hardly ever eat fish anyway and chances are within the forty days I may only be offered it once or twice and I don't really crave it at all, ever.

Are you going to observe Lent this season? If so, what are you giving up?

Reflection: Caiaphas Questions Jesus (Matthew 26:57-68)

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