A Moment of Silence

13 years ago today I was teaching a JavaScript programming course at a local college. I remember some students coming up the hallway telling each class that a plane just hit the World Trade Center in New York. By the time I got to the television in the vending area of the hall, another plane hit the second tower on live television. I had so many emotions going through me at the time but the one I remember most is, though it may sound harsh, I am not going to let this promote fear in my life or those around me. I had all the students come back to class and with just a few more interruptions I went on and continued teaching. While I had that luxury, being far from the attack, my mind continually wandered with the remorse or sadness of all those effected directly and indirectly. Inside, my heart was breaking for all the people jumping, burning, and drowning in debris and smoke. Then there was a deeper hurt as I thought about all the children who no longer had parents and parents who no longer had children. At the time I had no idea how this event would even make a change to my life. Please take a moment of silence at some point today and be thankful for all the things you have.

The LORD is my light and my salvation--so why should I be afraid? The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? (Psalm 27:1)

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