Despicable Me

Despite the fact I love the title because it is so fitting for pretty near everyone! This is the best animated movie of the summer in my opinion. Why, the minions are awesome, no really. Most movies made for kids are packed full of adult humor to try to get the adults to enjoy it along with their kids. Most of the jokes are over the kids heads but when the kids hear the adult laugh they are very confused. This movie limited that greatly and the majority of the jokes were things the kids (for which it was intended) can understand. Also, the ones they did not understand, I was not ashamed to explain to them why it was so humorous.

Another reason I loved this movie was because of the relationship factor. POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT! So you have this group of people that nobody wants and everyone overlooks. But because of their connections they can get you something you need. In an attempt to use them for your own good, they take an interest in your cause and you find allies in those you have written off. WOW! If I am honest, this is how I approached my first Compassion sponsored child.

You see, My wife and I chose to sponsor her but I was only doing it because I was being a "good steward" and helping the poor as I was commanded in the Bible to do because I wanted to, not that I had to. As the letters came in, and my wife and I went through many life transitions of our own, the child we were supposed to be supporting was continually praying for us, based on the letters, and quite often for specific things. Most of these prayers were answered and as she grew, we grew, and no matter how the situation ended up. That relationship was special and she was taking up our cause or at least taking an interest in it and in a sense we were the ones actually being supported. I think in most cases when sponsoring a child, this will tend to be true, you will gain more that you could ever give if you are open and honest about it.

Compassion has more than 1 million children in 26 countries that are in the situation where nobody is taking up their cause and they have little hope and not enough to sustain them to live even into adulthood. You can offer them hope and the opportunity to have enough as despicable as you are, as we are. Find out more by clicking the link to the right or the one below.

Sponsor A Child Today

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